Technology and Equipments of Binders Production, part 1

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.11.E.052
Credits: 4.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: рrofessor Lutsiuk Iryna Volodymyrivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: training of specialists for engineering and scientific work with fundamental knowledge and practical skills in the field of chemical technology for the production of binding materials and products based on them and the possibility of creating scientifically based technologies for the production of both new and traditional materials for engineering and construction
Завдання: Integral competence is the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of chemical technologies and engineering, which involves the application of theories and methods of chemical technologies and engineering and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions. General competences: – knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity; - the ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing. special (professional, subject) competences: - ability to use methods of observation, description, identification, classification of objects of chemical technology and industrial products. Professional competences: - the ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills to solve specific tasks in the field of technologies of silicate and refractory materials and substances.
Learning outcomes: 1. Correctly use terminology based on the concept of chemistry, chemical technologies, processes and equipment for the production of chemical substances and materials based on them in professional activities 2. To know and understand the mechanisms and kinetics of chemical processes, to use them effectively in the design and improvement of technological processes and apparatus of the chemical industry 3. To ensure the safety of personnel and the environment during professional activity in the field of chemical engineering 4. Collection, interpretation and application of data 5. Organization and management of professional development of individuals and groups
Required prior and related subjects: Materials science and applied mechanics Physical chemistry of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials Technology and equipment for the production of binders, part 2 Technology and equipment for the production of ceramics Glass production technology and equipment
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Technology and equipment for the production of binders, part 1" is a discipline of specialty 161 Chemical technologies and engineering. The discipline provides theoretical knowledge in the field of technology for obtaining mineral binders; studies the assortment and properties of binders and products based on them, promising non-random and low-random technologies; ideas about the expansion of the raw material base due to the use of industrial waste and local materials, the saving of fuel and energy resources, the possibility of obtaining materials with predetermined properties, improving their quality indicators; understanding of environmental problems of industry. The study of the discipline takes place through the sequential presentation of a theoretical course and conducting laboratory classes.
Опис: Classification of binders. Gypsum binders. Raw materials. The process of dehydration of dihydrate gypsum and modification of calcium sulfate. The basics of the technology of low-temperature gypsum binders. Hardening of low-burning gypsum binders, their properties and applications The basics of the technology of high-temperature gypsum binders. Gypso-cement-pozzolan binders. Construction lime. General concepts and classification of building lime. Raw materials for lime production. Basics of production of quick and slaked lime. Lime hardening processes. Properties and applications of lime. Magnesium binders. Hydraulic lime and romancement. Liquid glass. Obtaining, properties and application of liquid glass. Products of autoclave hardening
Assessment methods and criteria: Current and examination control. Knowledge assessment methods: performance and defense of laboratory work, performance and defense of calculated graphic work, oral and written survey, test control
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Laboratory works - 30 points Testing at the Emergency Department of the Lviv Polytechnic University - 5 points Estimated graphic work - 5 points Written and oral exam: written component - 50 points, oral component - 10 points)
Recommended books: Bazova 1. Viazhuchi materialy : pidruch : per. z ros. / O. O. Pashchenko, V. P. Serbin, O. O. Starchevska. – K. : Vyshcha shk., 1995. – 416 s. 2. Viazhuchi rechovyny : pidruch. / R. F. Runova, L. Y. Dvorkin, O. L. Dvorkin, Yu. L. Nosovskyi. – K. : Osnova, 2012. – 448 s. 3. Yakymechko Ya. B. Khimichna tekhnolohiia vapna : navch. posibn. / Ya. B. Yakymechko. – L. : Rastr-7, 2015. – 186 s. 4. Dvorkin L. Y. Budivelni v?iazhuchi materialy : pidruch. / L. Y. Dvorkin. – Rivne : NUVHP, 2019. – 622 s. 5. Lutsiuk I. V. Tekhnichnyi analiz i kontrol vyrobnytstva v?iazhuchykh rechovyn ta vyrobiv na yikhnii osnovi : navch. posibnyk / I. V. Lutsiuk, Z. I. Borovets. – Lviv : Rastr-7, 2021. – 166 c. 6. Budivelne materialoznavstvo : pidruch. / [P. V. Kryvenko, K. K. Pushkarova, V. B. Baranovskyi ta in.]; za red. P. V. Kryvenka. – K. : TOV UVPK «EksOb», 2004. – 704 s. Dopomizhna 1. Budivelne materialoznavstvo : kurs lektsii i praktykum / [L. Y. Dvorkin, Yu. V. Harnitskyi, V. L. Shestakov ta in.]; pid red. L. Y. Dvorkina. – Rivne : UDUVHP, 2002. – 367 s. 2. Bolshakov V. I. Budivelne materialoznavstvo : navch. posibn. / V. I. Bolshakov, L. Y. Dvorkin. – Dnipropetrovsk : RVA “Dnipro-VAL”, 2004. – 677 s. 3. Hots V. I. Betony i budivelni rozchyny : Pidruchnyk / V. I. Hots. – K. : TOV UVPK «EksOb», K. : KNUBA, 2003. – 472 s. Informatsiini resursy 1. Elektronnyi navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks “Tekhnolohiia i obladnannia vyrobnytstva viazhuchykh rechovyn, Ch. 1.” dlia studentiv pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 161 “Khimichni tekhnolohiia ta inzheneriia” usikh form navchannia, reiestr. nomer № E41-211-98/2016 vid 18.04.2016 r. Sertyfikat №01539. Navchalno-metodychne zabezpechennia 1. Vyprobuvannia hipsovykh viazhuchykh : metod. vkazivky do laboratornoho praktykumu z kursiv “Tekhnolohiia sylikatnykh materialiv”, “Tekhnolohiia i obladnannia vyrobnytstva v?iazhuchykh rechovyn, chastyna 1” dlia studentiv pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 161 “Khimichni tekhnolohii ta inzheneriia”; “Khimichna tekhnolohiia povitrianykh, avtoklavnykh ta hidravlichnykh v?iazhuchykh rechovyn” dlia studentiv druhoho (mahisterskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 161 “Khimichni tekhnolohii ta inzheneriia” usikh form navchannia / uklad. : I. V. Lutsiuk, Z. I. Borovets, B. B. Chekanskyi. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2020. – 16 s. 2. Vyprobuvannia povitrianoho budivelnoho vapna : metod. vkazivky do laboratornoho praktykumu z kursiv “Tekhnolohiia sylikatnykh materialiv”, “Tekhnolohiia i obladnannia vyrobnytstva v?iazhuchykh rechovyn, chastyna 1” dlia studentiv pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 161 “Khimichni tekhnolohii ta inzheneriia”; “Khimichna tekhnolohiia povitrianykh, avtoklavnykh ta hidravlichnykh v?iazhuchykh rechovyn” dlia studentiv druhoho (mahisterskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 161 “Khimichni tekhnolohii ta inzheneriia” usikh form navchannia / uklad. : I. V. Lutsiuk, Z. I. Borovets, B. B. Chekanskyi. Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2021. – 9 s.