Technology and Equipments of Glass

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.11.E.057
Credits: 8.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: prof. Vakhula Yaroslav Ivanovych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: training of students - future specialists for engineering work at glass production plants in the Western region of Ukraine, which is characterized by a large number of productions of this profile.
Завдання: • The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of chemical technologies and engineering, which involves the application of theories and methods of chemical technologies and engineering and are characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. • Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. • Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. • Efforts to preserve the environment. • Ability to use methods of observation, description, identification, classification of objects of chemical technology and industrial products. • Basic ideas about the variety of objects of chemical technology, industry, chemical products. • Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic facts, concepts, principles and theories related to chemistry. • Ability to apply the basic physical and chemical methods of analysis and assessment of the state of chemical and technological systems. • Modern ideas about the mechanisms and principles of chemical transformations of substances and the transformation of energy into them. • Ability to apply modern experimental methods of working with technological objects of chemistry in industrial and laboratory conditions, skills of working with modern measuring equipment. • Ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for implementation and control of chemical production. • Basic ideas about the main patterns of development and modern achievements in chemical technologies, understanding the role of energy saving in modern technology. • Ability to use theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities to master the basics of theory and methods of chemical and technological research. • Ability to use theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities to analyze, evaluate and design technological processes and equipment using traditional and alternative raw materials. • Ability to calculate and process data, use information technologies to solve experimental and practical tasks in professional activities. • Knowledge of the legal basis of industrial activity and legislation of Ukraine in the field of nature protection and nature management. • Skills in safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use. • Ability to organize the work of the production unit in accordance with the requirements of life safety and occupational health and safety in chemical production.
Learning outcomes: The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of chemical technologies and engineering, which involves the application of theories and methods of chemical technologies and engineering and are characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. Search for the necessary information on chemical technology, processes and equipment in the production of glass and materials based on them, systematize, analyze and evaluate the relevant information. To know and understand the mechanisms and kinetics of chemical processes, to use them effectively in the design and improvement of technological processes in the production of glass. To ensure the safety of personnel and the environment during professional activities Collection, interpretation and application of data. Organization and management of professional development of individuals and groups.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites Inorganic chemistry Physical chemistry of refractory materials Materials science of silicates Glass production technology and equipment Requisites Technology of ceramics Technology of inorganic substances
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Technology and equipment of glass production" is a specialization discipline "Chemical technologies of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials". The discipline provides knowledge about the main types of production of glass products of various functional purposes, the dependence of their quality on the method of formation, and provides knowledge about the main properties of glass products and the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for them; studies the basics of glassware production technology.
Опис: Classification of glass and glass products. The main hypothesis of the structure of glass. The properties of glass. Basics of glass melting. Raw materials and schemes of their preparation for taking blende. Types of glass melting furnaces. Defects glass. The basic technology of ceramics. Methods of forming glass. The principle of glass forming machines, and methods their power. Production of flat glass. Technology of glassware. Production of quartz glass. Technology features of optical glass. The technology of fiberglass and glass tubes. Car glasses. Enamels and coatings.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: – individual tasks; - performance of scientific and research work. Final control: - exam
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, control work (30%) final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Yashchyshyn Y. M. Tekhnolohiia skla: u 3-kh chast. – Ch. I : Fizyka i khimiia skla : pidruch. / Y. M. Yashchyshyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo “Beskyd Bit”, 2008. – 204 s. 2. Yashchyshyn Y. M. Tekhnolohiia skla: u 3-kh chast. – Ch. II : Tekhnolohiia sklianoi masy : pidruch. / Y. M. Yashchyshyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo „Beskyd Bit”, 2004. – 250 s. 3. Vakhula Ya. I. Osnovy tekhnolohii sytaliv : navch. posib. / Ya. I. Vakhula. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu „Lvivska politekhnika”, 2009. – 96 s. 4. Tekhnolohiia skla: u 3-kh chast. – Ch. III : Tekhnolohiia sklianykh vyrobiv : pidruch. / [I. M. Yashchyshyn, Ya. I. Vakhula, T. B. Zheplynskyi ta in.]. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo «Rastr-7», 2011 r. – 416 s. 5. Sardak E. M. Teplovi protsesy i ahrehaty v tekhnolohii tuhoplavkykh nemetalevykh ta sylikatnykh materialiv : navch. posib. / E. M. Sardak, V. I. Holeus, O. V. Zaichuk. – Dnipropetrovsk : Vydavnytstvo „Svidler A.L.”, 2015. – 248 s.