Control Systems for Chemical Engineering Processes

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.00.O.038
Credits: 3.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Stasiuk Ivan Dmytrovych, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • The ability to use the knowledge in practical situations; • The ability to learn, perceive the obtained knowledge in the subject field and to integrate it with the existing knowledge; • The ability to search and analyze the information, the skills of using the information and data communication technologies; • Mastering the methods of observation, description, identification, classification of objects of chemical technology and industrial goods; • The ability to apply the up-to-date experimental methods of work with the technological objects of chemistry in the industrial and laboratory conditions, skills of work with the up-to-date measurement instruments; • The ability to choose and use the appropriate equipment, tools and methods in order to implement and monitor the chemical production; • The ability to interpret the data obtained at the result of laboratory observations and measurements from the point of view of their significance and to relate them with the appropriate theory; • Knowledge of the methods of chemical analysis as well as the physical and chemical analysis of raw materials, other materials, chemical goods and products based on them; • The ability to estimate the influence of the technological factors on the composition of the final product; • The ability to generalize the data obtained at the result of laboratory observations and measurements from the point of view of their significance and to relate them with the appropriate theory; • The ability to make a feasibility study of a chemical production (to define the need in the civil product and to design the productivity of the plant), to master the methods for improvement of the technological process, to understand the theoretical and practical approaches to creating and controlling the production process; • The ability to choose the appropriate technological equipment and to make a graphical drawing of a technological process using the computer-aided design systems for development of the technological and instrumental diagram of the chemical technology productions; • The ability to work individually.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Physics, • Mathematics, • General Chemical Technology, • Modeling of chemical technology processes. Co-requisites: • Processes and Equipment of Chemical Technologies; • Fundamentals of designing the oil refineries; • Chemical technologies of inorganic substances; • Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances; • Designing the Production of Organic Synthesis.
Summary of the subject: Classification and structure of the automatic monitoring and control systems for chemical technology processes, the purpose of these systems and their components; basic concepts on measurement of technological parameters, purpose and components of the measurement devices and the information-measurement systems; methods and instruments for measurement of main technological parameters: pressure, temperature, flow rate and volume of fluids, level of liquids and loose materials, composition and quality of substances; structure of an automatic control system, its main elements and functional purpose of the elements; classification of the controlled objects (CO), the main properties of the CO and their influence on the operation of the automatic control system; automatic controllers (AC) and control laws, the influence of the AC properties on the transient processes in the automatic control systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30%) • final control (control measure - credit): oral queshioning over te implementation of control work (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Fundamentals of Automatics and Automation: tutorial / Y. Pistun, I. Stasiuk – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014. – 336 p. (in Ukrainian). 2. Fundamentals of Automatics and Automation: teaching manual / E. Pistun, I. Stasiuk. - 2nd ed., changed and supplemented – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2018. – 336 p. (in Ukrainian). 3. Golubyatnikov V.A., Shuvalov V.V. Automation of Production Processes and Process Control in Chemical Industry. - Moscow: Chemistry, 1973 (in Russian) 4. Farzaneh N.G. et al. Technical Measurement and Instruments.- Moscow: Higher School, 1989. – 456 p. (in Russian) 5. Perov V.L. Basic Theory of Automatic Control of Chemical Engineering Processes. - Moscow: Chemistry, 1970. - 352 p. (in Russian) 6. Polotskiy L.M., Lapshenkov G.I. Fundamentals of Automatics and Automation of production Processes in Chemical Industry. - Moscow: Chemistry, 1982. - 320 p. (in Russian) 7. Lapshenkov G.I., Polotskiy L.M. Automation of Production Processes in Chemical Industry. Instrumentation and Laboratory Sessions. 3rd Edd. revised and ext. - Moscow: Chemistry, 1988. - 288 p. (in Russian) 8. V.S. Balakirev, Automation Instruments for Chemical Plants: Handbook - Moscow: Chemistry, 1991. - 272 p. (in Russian) 9. Ivanova G.M., Kuznetsov N.D., Chistyakov V.S. Heat Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation. - Moscow: Energoatomisdat, 1984. - 232 p. (in Russian) 10. Industrial Instrumentation and Automation Instruments. Handbook / Ed. Cherenkov V.V. - Leningrad: Engineering, 1987. - 847 p. (in Russian) 11. Chistyakov V.S. Quick Reference for Thermal Measurements. - Moscow: Energoizdat, 1990. - 320 p. (in Russian)