Engineering Analysis and Preparation of Chemical Equipment Production. Part 1

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.13.E.108
Credits: 5.00
Department: Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor Ivashchuk Oleksandr Sergiyovych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the course for students is mastering the basic approaches to computer solid-state modeling of parts, structural units and equipment with further studies of their mechanical properties, in-depth study and improvement of the professional training of specialists in the field of engineering analysis and expansion of practical skills in working with the modern software complex of the SOLIDWORKS automated design system . Special attention is paid to teaching students methods of 3D modeling of equipment taking into account the specific design requirements of chemical production, building computer models of equipment, solving problems of optimizing mechanical structures.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: Integral competence (INT): Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of chemical technologies and engineering during professional activity or in the process of learning, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of chemistry, chemical technologies and engineering and are characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions. general competences: ZK1. Ability to use knowledge in practical situations. ZK3. Ability to learn, to perceive the acquired knowledge in the subject area and to integrate it with the existing ones. ZK4. Ability to plan and manage time. ZK5. Ability to system thinking, production of new ideas, creativity. ZK9. Ability to work independently and in a team, the ability to communicate effectively on professional and social levels. ZK10. Ability to analyze and synthesize, the ability to identify, formulate, set and solve scientific (scientific and applied) tasks. ZK11. Have the skills to develop and manage projects to ensure a high level of efficiency in the implementation of various types of projects in the subject area. ZK13. Determination and perseverance in the performance of the assigned tasks and responsibility for the quality of the work performed. professional competences: FK1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic facts, concepts, principles and theories related to chemistry. FC2. Basic ideas about the variety of objects of chemical technology, industry, chemical products. FK3. Possession of methods of observation, description, identification, classification, objects of chemical technology and industrial products. FC5. Ability to apply basic physical and chemical methods of analysis and assessment of the state of chemical and technological systems. FC7. Ability to apply modern experimental methods of working with technological objects of chemistry in industrial and laboratory conditions, skills of working with modern measuring equipment. FC8. Ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for implementation and control of chemical production. FC11. Ability to use theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities to master the basics of theory and methods of chemical and technological research. FC12. Ability to use theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities to analyze, evaluate and design technological processes and equipment using traditional and alternative raw materials. FC13. Ability to calculate and process data, use information technologies to solve experimental and practical tasks in professional activities.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of the possibilities of modern software for modeling the mechanical properties of chemical-technological equipment, methods of creating computer models of chemical technology devices, stages of 2D and 3D solid-state modeling of chemical equipment. 2. Ability to analyze and implement physical and mathematical models in the SOLIDWORKS software complex.
Required prior and related subjects: Physics Higher mathematics Machines and equipment of the industry Operation and maintenance of machines Calculation and design of apparatus for chemical production and building materials enterprises Processes and devices of chemical technology
Summary of the subject: The discipline allows to master the basics of computer modeling, verification, optimization of chemical-technological processes and chemical technology devices using the SOLIDWORKS automated design and engineering analysis software complex.
Опис: Introduction. Background and history of the SolidWorks automated design and engineering analysis system. The main tasks and capabilities of the program, the difference from existing programs for numerical modeling. SolidWorks user interface. Basic concepts and document structure in SolidWorks. Feature Manager design tree. SolidWorks toolbars. The main elements of SolidWorks and their purpose. Customize SolidWorks Toolbars. Creating sketches of solid objects in SolidWorks. Types of sketches. The concept of 2D and 3D sketches. Editing SolidWorks sketches. Geometric relationships of SolidWorks sketches. Methods of measuring objects on sketches. Creating a solid model in SolidWorks. Basic operations on solids and surfaces in SolidWorks. Arrays in SolidWorks. Ways to manage arrays in SolidWorks. Basic operations on solids and surfaces in SolidWorks. Types of models. Additional (reference) geometric constructions in SolidWorks: reference planes, axes, points, sketches. Creation of cutouts and holes in solid models. Types of cutouts. Creating assemblies in SolidWorks. Adding parts to an assembly. Basic methods of creating assemblies. Ways to create and add conjugations in SolidWorks. Toolbox fastener library. Tools for working with solid elements in SolidWorks assemblies: using configurations, extinguishing/lighting elements, building an exploded view, checking for interference. Creating a drawing in SolidWorks: the main methods, their advantages and differences. Templates of drawing sheets and their editing. The main inscriptions of drawing sheets. Standard inscriptions and their editing. Views in SolidWorks drawings: creation and editing. Dimensioning objects in the context of SolidWorks drawings. Work with specifications in SolidWorks. Relation of parts and specifications.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control, semester control, oral examination, practical, laboratory works.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control 30 Examination control 70 Total for discipline 100
Recommended books: Ivashchuk O. S. Fundamentals of engineering analysis and preparation of production of chemical equipment. part 1: training manual / O. S. Ivashchuk. – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2020. – 140 p. – ISBN 978-966-941-562-2.