Metrology, Standardization and Certification

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.00.O.036
Credits: 3.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: assoc. prof. Mahorivska Halyna Yaroslavivna
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: training of specialists with the skills of the basics of metrology, standardization and with knowledge and skills in the field of certification of materials and products, establishment and verification of compliance of products with the requirements of standards, regulatory documents in the conditions of a market economy. Acquaintance with systems of standards, their development, implementation, use at various stages of the production process.
Завдання: general competences: 1. Ability to use knowledge in practical situations. 2. The ability to learn, to perceive the acquired knowledge in the subject area and to integrate it with the existing ones. 3. Ability to plan and manage time. 4. Ability to system thinking, production of new ideas, creativity. 5. The ability to work independently and in a team, the ability to communicate effectively on professional and social levels. 6. The ability to analyze and synthesize, the ability to identify, formulate, set and solve scientific (scientific and applied) tasks. 7. Have the skills to develop and manage projects to ensure a high level of efficiency in the implementation of various types of projects in the subject area. 8. Determination and perseverance in the performance of the assigned tasks and responsibility for the quality of the work performed. professional competences: 1. Possession of methods of observation, description, identification, classification, objects of chemical technology and industrial products. 2. Ability to apply modern experimental methods of working with technological objects of chemistry in industrial and laboratory conditions, skills of working with modern measuring equipment. 3. Ability to choose and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for implementation and control of chemical production. 4. Ability to calculate and process data, use information technologies to solve experimental and practical tasks in professional activities.
Learning outcomes: Methodologies for the design and modernization of chemical industry facilities, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of current standards and technical conditions Assess the influence of technological factors on the composition of the final product Participate in the discussion of the results of various types of work (research, search, design, etc.) Demonstrate a desire to work independently Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge The ability to take responsibility for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines Physics Chemistry Related disciplines The basics of the technology of difficult-to-refract non-metallic silicate materials General chemical technology
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification" is a discipline of specialization 161 Chemical technologies and engineering. The discipline provides theoretical knowledge of the basics of metrology, standardization and certification of materials and products, understanding and principles of checking the compliance of products with the requirements of standards. Provides an opportunity to get acquainted with systems of standards, their structure, principles of development and implementation, use at various stages of the production process.
Опис: General information about standardization. Basic concepts, terms of definition. The structure of the domestic standardization system Scientific and technical methods of standardization. Main principles of standardization. Product classification for standardization. Basic principles of standardization. Categories, types of standards. Procedure for development and approval of standards. Classification of inter-industry standards. Supervision of implementation and compliance with standards. Marking of products with signs of conformity to the requirements of DSTU. International system of standards. European standards. International standards. Standardization in the ISO system. Basic international standards for silicate products. Standardization of bar coding of products. General concepts and regulations on metrology. Tasks and functions of metrology of the system of physical quantities and their units. Principles and methods of measuring physical quantities. State metrological control and supervision. Means of measuring technology. Structure and parameters of measuring equipment. Accuracy indicators. Standardization of methods and means of measurement. Types and methods of measurements. Measurement errors. Normative distribution of random variables. Basics of certification. Basic concepts and terms and definitions. Certification methods and mechanisms. Confirmation of conformity of products. Terms. Confirmation procedure and national mark of conformity.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: - protection of laboratory work reports; - control work. Final control: - test
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, control work (40%) • final control (60% control measure, test)
Recommended books: 1. Shapoval M.I. Osnovy standartyzatsiyi, upravlinnya yakistyu i sertyfikatsiyi: Pidruchnyk .- 3-ye vyd., pererob. i dop. – K.: Vyd-vo. Yevrop. Un-tu, 2002. – 174 s. 2. Bozhenko L.I. Metrolohiya , standartyzatsiya, sertyfikatsiya ta akrydetatsiya: Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Lviv: Afisha, 2004. – 324 s. 3. Sarancha H.A. Metrolohiya , standartyzatsiya, vidpovidnist , akrydetatsiya ta upravlinnya yakistyu: Pidruchnyk -K.: Tsentr navchalnoyi literatury, 2006. -672 s. 4. Pavlov V.I., Myshko O.V., Oponova I.V., Pavlikha N.V. Osnovy standartyzatsiyi, sertyfikatsiyi ta identyfikatsiyi tovariv: Navchalnyy posibnyk-K.: Kondor, 2004. -230 s.

Metrology, Standardization and Certification

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.00.O.037
Credits: 3.00
Department: Physical, Analytical and General Chemistry
Lecturer: assistant professor Makota Oksana Ivanivna
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: public policy on standardization, metrology, certification; procedure of development and implementation of standards and other normative documents; information provision on certification. establish the correspondence of different categories and types of normative documents; choose the normative documents according to the task in defined area.
Required prior and related subjects: Analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis, Higher mathematics, Base of ecology.
Summary of the subject: The content and objectives of the course "metrology, standardization and certification of materials and products." The object and purpose of metrology. Types and methods of measurement. Chemical metrology. Metrological aspects of chemical analysis. State standardization system of Ukraine. Normative documents of standardization. State supervision of standards observance. Chemical standards. Production quality management. Certification.
Assessment methods and criteria: oral examination, written reports on laboratory work, current control (30%) final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. G.А. Sarancha. Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management. K, “Lybid”, 1993. – 256 p. 2. R. Bychkivskyu, V. Soriu, P. Stoljarchyk. Fundamentals of metrology provision. Publishing center of Lviv Polytechnic Lviv Sate University Polytechnic, Lviv, 1999. – 180p. 3. R. Bychkivskyu. Quality management. Publishing center of Lviv Polytechnic Lviv Sate University Polytechnic, Lviv, 2000. – 329p. 4. R. Bychkivskyu, P. Stoljarchyk, L. Sopilnyk, V. Drusyuk. Certification. Publishing center of Lviv Polytechnic Lviv Sate University Polytechnic, Lviv, 2001. – 264p.