Food Chemistry

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 6.161.12.E.076
Credits: 7.00
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Professor Tokarev Viktor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The subject 'Food chemistry' is one of the sections of chemical science, the knowledge of which is necessary for the study and acquisition of the next disciplines of professional direction in chemistry and technology, for the training of bachelors, specialists and master's degrees in specialty 8.05130111 "Chemical technology of food additives and cosmetics" of the direction "Chemical technology and engineering".
Завдання: The tasks consist in the following: - to give students strong knowledges on such fundamental issues as the chemical composition of food systems (raw material, semi-products, finished foods) and its changes during the technological flow under action of various factors (physical, chemical, biochemical, etc.), as well as the general regularities of these transformations; - to lay the foundations for understanding the processes of digestion in a human body; - to get acquainted with modern views on the theory and concepts of rational nutrition; - to teach students to carry out the analysis of foodstuffs for the content of different components independently, to assess the nutritional value of foodstuffs, to provide for the impact of technological processes on their quality. The study of this discipline provides for the formation the following competences for the education applicants: general competence (GC) : GC1. Ability to use knowledges in practical situations. GC3. Ability to study, to perceive the acquired knowledges in this subject as well as to integrate them with the existing ones. GC4. Ability to plan and manage their times. GC5. Ability to think systematically, generate new ideas, creativity. GC9. to work independently and in a team, ability to communicate effectively at the professional and social levels. GC10. Ability to analyze and synthesize, ability to discover, formulate, set and to solve scientific (scientific and applied) problems. GC13. Certainty and persistence at implementation of received the tasks received and responsibility for the quality of the work performed. profession competence in the specialty (PC): PC1. Ability to demonstrate knowledges and understanding of the basic facts, conceptions, principles, and theories relevant to chemistry. PC2. Basic imaginations about the diversity of objects in chemical technology, industry, chemical products. PC3. Possessing the methods of observation, description, authentication, classification of objects of chemical technology and industrial products. PC5. Capability to apply the basic physico-chemical methods of analysis for assessing the state of the chemical-technological systems. PC11. Capability to apply theoretical knowledges, practical skills and abilities to capture the basics of theory and methods of chemical-technological investigations. PC12. Capability to use theoretical knowledges, practical skills and abilities for the analysis, evaluation and design of technological processes and equipment using traditional and alternative raw materials.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying this discipline, a specialist should be able to show such results of studies: To be able to estimate the nutritional value of foodstuffs, which is determined by the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive connections as well. To analyze food raw materials and foodstuffs, to determine the content of basic nutrients in them. To apply acquired knowledges about a rational nutrition in practice, to approach to organization, development and production of safe foods of adequate nutrition on a scientific base.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prior and related subjects: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry.
Summary of the subject: The course of lectures contains basic information about the components of food systems: macronutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, mineral substances), non-nutrients; on their structure, chemical properties, functions in an organism; on changes in chemical composition and general regularities of macronutrient transformations in the food systems during processing and storage; on determining the composition of food products and evaluating their quality, nutritional and biological value. Concepts about enzymes as biological catalysts, their chemical structure, properties, classification and nomenclature, as well as the influence of various factors on their activity are given; the features of enzyme kinetics are considered. Application of enzymic preparations comes in food technologies is considered. The special attention is paid to basics and principles of rational nutrition, recommended norms of consumption of food substances and energy, as the keys to a healthy lifestyle.
Опис: 1. Introduction. Foodstuffs and human nutrition. Basic concepts and generally accepted designations. Classification of modern foodstuffs. Components of the food systems: macronutrients, micronutrients, non-nutrients. 2. Proteins in foods. The role of proteins in human nutrition. Amino acids and some their functions in human body. Essential amino acids. Amino acid score and index of essential amino acids. Structure, nutritional and biological values of proteins. Physiology role of proteins and peptids. Nitrogen balance. Side effects of a deficiency in proteins and food energy (Kwashiorkor syndrome) and its consequences. Transformation of proteins during food processing. The problem of protein fortification with limiting amino acids. Proteins of food raw material: animal and plant proteins. New forms of protein foods. 3. Lipids in foods. Fats and oils. Structure and classification of lipids. Fat-acid composition of oils and fats and their physical properties. Lipids of plant and animal origin. "Crude fat", lecithins, cholesterol. Transformation of lipids during food processing. Triacylglycerol reactions through ester groups and hydrocarbon radicals. Spoilage of fats and oils. 4. Carbohydrates in foods General description of carbohydrates of foods. Physiology value of carbohydrates. Monosaccharides and polysaccharides. Digestible and non-digestible carbohydrates. Starch. Glycogen. Cellulose. Hemicellulose. Dietary fibers. Pectins. Food gels. Sweetness. Nutritional value of carbohydrates. Transformation of carbohydrates in the food processing (hydrolysis, formation of brown compounds, dehydration, caramelization, formation of melanoidins). Fermentation processes. 5. Vitamins Classification of vitamins. Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin-like substances. Physiologic role of vitamins in human body. The recommended daily intake of vitamins and vitamin content in foodstuffs. Food fortification with the deficient vitamins. 6. Food acids General description of acids present in foods. Acidity of foods. The use of food acids as regulators of acidity and preservatives. 7. Mineral substances A role of mineral substances in human body. Macroelements and microelements. Macroelements. A function of Calcium and Phosphorus in a human body. Optimal ratios of the intake of microelements Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus from food. Microelements and their functions in a human body. The role of Iron in a human body, the foodstuffs, rich in iron. The consequences of Iodine deficit for a human body. Influence of food processing on the content of minerals in foodstuffs. 8. Water in foods Physical and chemical properties of water and ice. Structure and properties of water molecules. Features of interaction of water with permeates. Functions of water in food. Free and bound moisture in food. Water activity. The relationship between water activity and food stability. The role of freezing and ice in food stability. 9. Enzymes General properties of enzymes. Chemical nature and features of enzymes as biological catalysts. Enzymatic kinetics. Mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Classification and nomenclature of enzymes. Enzymes and enzyme preparations. Oxidoreductase. Hydrolases. Transferases. Application of enzymes in food processing. Development of the newest food technologies using transglutaminases and lipases. Immobilized enzymes. Enzymatic methods for food analysis. 10. Basic principles of rational nutrition Theories and conceptions of nutrition. The first principle of rational nutrition. Recommended intakes of nutrients and energy. Second principle of rational nutrition. Food ration for a modern human. Basic groups of foodstuffs. Third principle of rational nutrition. Four basic principles of diet. Conception of healthy nutrition.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control involves performance of: laboratory works, control calculation tasks. 2. Semester control: final exam.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Distribution of points of semester controls. Semester control, 5th semester Maximal grade, points – 100 Current control (CC), points – 40 including performance of laboratory works – 40 Examination control (EC), points – 60 including written component – 53 verbal component – 7 Semester control (CC+EC), points – 100
Recommended books: Дуленко Л.В., Горяйнова Ю.А., Полякова А. В. Харчова хімія. Навчальний посібник. - К.: Кондор, 2012. - 248 с. Скоробогатий Я.П., Гузій А.В., Заверуха О.М. Харчова хімія. Навчальний посібник (рек. МОН України). - Львів : Новий Світ-2000, 2012 . – 513 с. Гуменюк О.Л. Харчова хімія. Тексти лекцій. - Чернігів: ЧДТУ, 2013. - 244 с. Пищевая химия / Нечаев А. П., Траутенберг С. Е., Кочеткова А. А. и др. Под ред. А. П. Нечаева.- СПб.: ГИОРД, 2007.- 640 с. Fennema’s Food Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Ed. S. Damodara, K.L. Parkin, O.R. Fennema. – New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. – 1158 pp. H.-D. Belitz · W. Grosch · P. Schieberle. Food Chemistry. 4th revised and extended ed. – Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009. – 1114 pp. Food biochemistry and food processing. 1st ed. / Edit. Y.H. Hui; associate editors, Wai-Kit Nip . . . [et al.]. - Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. – 769 pp. J. M. deMan. Principles of Food Chemistry. Third Edition. – Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1999. – 460 pp.