History of State and Law of Foreign Countries

Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.00.O.010
Credits: 6.00
Department: Department of Theory of Law and Constitutionalism
Lecturer: Makarchuk Volodymyr
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Integral competence (INT): Ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of professional legal activity or in the learning process, which involves the application of legal doctrines, principles and legal institutions and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. General competencies (GC): GC1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis; GC13.The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of law, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology. Special (professional) competencies (SC): SC2. Knowledge and understanding of the retrospective of the formation of legal and state institutions; SC3. Respect for human honor and dignity as the highest social value, understanding of their legal nature; SС12. Ability to analyze legal problems, to form and substantiate legal positions; SС16. Ability to logical, critical and systematic analysis of documents, understanding their legal nature and meaning. Program learning results (PRO): PRO2. Analyze social processes in the context of the analyzed problem and demonstrate their own vision of ways to solve it; PRO3. Conduct collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources; PRO4. Formulate own reasonable judgments based on the analysis of a known problem; PRO8. Use a variety of information sources to fully and comprehensively establish certain circumstances; PRO16. Explain the nature and content of basic legal phenomena and processes; PRO28. Analyze the history of the formation of legal phenomena. Communication (COM): COM 4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context.
Required prior and related subjects: The previous subjects: History of state and law of Ukraine, Theory of state and law, Juridical deontology. Related and following disciplines: Basics of Roman private law, Constitutional law of Ukraine, Philosophy of law.
Summary of the subject: The history of the state and the law of foreign countries as an academic discipline is the quintessence of the experience of state and legal construction of the most successful state formations for a certain historical period. Throughout its existence, human civilization has meaningfully and intuitively sought and found state and legal mechanisms for establishing public relations, deterring crime, preventing civil conflicts and wars, legal regulation of international relations and more. Democracy (power of the people) as a form of government came to our time from Ancient Greece; the emergence of the concept of republic humanity owes to Ancient Rome. However, democracy and the republic, as a form of government, also have their weaknesses and imperfections. This has prompted (and continues to motivate) some authoritarian leaders to dismantle the conquest of democracy and the republican form of government, to replace democracy with populism in order to usurp power. Therefore, in order to effectively defend the existing democratic regime and the republican form of government, it is necessary to understand these shortcomings. Thus, the study of world historical experience of law-making and state-building - both positive and negative, the creation and regulation of state and law institutions is important not only for the formation of professional qualities of a lawyer, law enforcement officer or politician, but should also serve to protect the constitutional order.
Assessment methods and criteria: Evaluation of student learning results is carried out in accordance with a 100-point score of assessment established at the university. The final assessment of the discipline consists of an assessment of the current control of learning outcomes during the semester and evaluation of learning outcomes during a control event during semester control – exam. The number of points allocated to the current control is 40 points. Examination control – 60 points. Maximum score in scores together for discipline – 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Makarchuk Volodymyr. General history of the state and law of foreign countries (published any year). 2. Bostan LN, Bostan SK. History of State and Law of Foreign Countries: A Textbook. Kyiv, 2004. 672 p. 3. Glynianyj V. History of State and Law of Foreign Countries. Tutorial. 6 ed. Кyiv : Istyna, 2009. 768 p. 4. Dakhno I. History of State and Law: textbook. Kyiv : Center for Educational Literature, 2006. 320 p. 5. Tyshchyk B. History of State and Law of Great Britain. Tutorial. Lviv: Ed. center of the law faculty of LNU named after I. Franko, 2011. 230 p. 6. Tyshchyk B. History of State and Law of Foreign Countries. New time. Tutorial. Lviv: Svit, 2013. 234 p. 7. Tyshchyk B. History of State and Law of the Ancient World. Tutorial. Lviv: Svit, 2001. 224 p. 8. Tyshchyk B. History of the state and law of foreign countries (Middle Ages). Lviv: Publishing house. Ivan Franko State University, 2010. 546 p. 9. Trofanchuk G. History of State and Law of Foreign Countries: Textbook. K.: Jurinkom Inter, 2006. 400 p. 10. Yaremchuk V. History of the state and law of foreign countries: a universal guide. Lviv: BONA Publishing House, 2015. 400 p.