
Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.00.O.076
Credits: 4.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Baranyak V. M. Kryzhanovskij A. S.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes (PR): • PR2. Analyze social processes in the context of the analyzed problem and demonstrate your own vision of ways to solve it. • PR3. Carry out collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources. • PR7. Make and coordinate a plan of own research and independently collect materials from certain sources. • PR8. Use a variety of information sources to fully and comprehensively establish certain circumstances. • PR13. Work in a group, forming your own contribution to the tasks of the group. • PR17. Apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, identify legally significant facts and form sound legal conclusions. • PR18. Prepare drafts of the necessary acts of application of law in accordance with the legal conclusion made in different legal situations. • PR20. Know the categorical apparatus of legal science. • PR27. Use knowledge of the features of crime prevention and control. • PR29. Analyze situational plots and solve legal problems. Communication (COM): • COM4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context. Autonomy and responsibility (AiV): • AiV3. Ability to treat the work responsibly, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. • AiV4. Ability to demonstrate understanding of current legislation.
Required prior and related subjects: Criminal law part 1, part 2 Criminal proceedings Forensic Medicine Criminology
Summary of the subject: Subject, system, tasks and methods of criminology. Theory of forensic identification and diagnosis. General provisions of forensic technology. Forensic tools, methods of their use for detection, investigation, extraction and use of evidence. Forensic doctrine of traces (trasology). Forensic weapons science (forensic ballistics), document science. Forensic examination of a person's appearance (habitoscopy). Forensic registration (accounting). Provisions of forensic tactics, forensic situations, versions and bases of planning and organization of investigation. Methods of investigation of certain types of crimes. Issues of preparation of materials for forensic and other expert research. Electronic expert opinion in criminal proceedings.
Assessment methods and criteria: In terms of using interactive technologies, classes are held in active and creative forms. Problematic and review lectures, "active" seminars with elements of "business game", trainings, classes with the use of computer-communication component. Advantage of productive methods: problem-based presentation, partial search and research methods, presentations, case studies, trainings and business games, conversations and discussions, work in VNS, "electronic lectures", seminars, distance consultations - aimed at activating and stimulating educational cognitive student activities. The main markers of the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Criminal Procedure" are the formation of competencies, competence development, testing and / or assessment of competencies, correction of basic competencies, combined, interactive, integrated classes (discussion group), classes with students others), classes of the "press conference" format, business games, forums, briefings, quests, etc. Methods of knowledge diagnosis, which indirectly determine the level of achievement of the planned cognitive results in the discipline "Criminal Procedure", endowed with transparent evaluation criteria, provide objective current and final control. Current control (PC) - 40 points: practical (seminar) classes, work in VNS, control work - 24 points; educational and research tasks, abstracts, reports, draft decisions, scientific publications, participation in business or simulation games, conferences, competitions, etc. - 16 points. Semester (final) control (60 points) - exam: test tasks of different levels of complexity, incidental tasks (tasks), theoretical questions (normative, problem, discussion direction). Written (50 points) and oral (10 points) components.
Recommended books: 1. Маковецька Н. Є., Француз-Яковець Т. А., Колодіна А. С., Кір'яков В. В., Бараняк В. М. Криміналістика: навчальний підручник / Н. Є. Маковецька, Т. А. Француз-Яковець, А. С. Колодіна, В. В. Кір'яков, В. М. Бараняк – Київ: Університет «КРОК», 2021. – 512 с. 2. Шевчук В. М. Криміналістика: традиції, новації, перспективи : добірка наук. пр. / упоряд.: Н.А. Чмутова. Харків: Право, 2020. 1280 с. 3. Криміналістика: підручник (2-ге вид.) / за ред. В.В. Пясковського. Київ: Право, 2020. 752 с. 4. Бараняк В.М. Про вдосконалення системи і розширення предмета криміналістики. Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". 2020. № 12 (34). С. 63-68. URL: (дата звернення: 30.12.2020). 5. Криміналістика: підручник. у 2 т. Т. 1 / В.Ю. Шепітько, В.А.Журавель, В.О.Коновалова та ін.; за ред.. В.Ю. Шепітька. Харків : Право, 2019. 456 с. 6. Туркот М. С. Експертизи у кримінальному провадженні: науково-практичний посібник / М. С. Туркот, Н. В. Нестор, А. В. Столітній; за заг. ред. А. В. Столітнього. – Київ: Норма права, 2020. – 308 с. 7. Нестор Н. В. Судові експертизи в процесуальному праві України: навчальний посібник / Н. В. Нестор , О. Г. Рувін. – Київ: Ліра-К, 2019. – 424 с. 8. Столітній А. В. Електронний висновок експерта в кримінальному провадженні. // Криміналістика і судова експертиза. – 2019. – № 64. – С. 102 – 111. 9. Павлова Т. О. Призначення судової експертизи в концепції електронного кримінального провадження: теоретичний та практичний аспекти // Т. О. Павлова, О. Д. Жученко // Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. – 2020. – № 3. – С. 390 – 393.