Comparative Criminal Law

Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.00.M.046
Credits: 6.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Humin O.M.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Integral Competence (INT): The ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of professional legal activity or in the learning process, which involves the application of legal doctrines, principles and legal institutions and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty. General Competences (GC):GC2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. GC3. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. GC11. The ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine. Special (professional, subject) competencies (SC): SC4. Knowledge and understanding of international human rights standards, provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. SC5. Ability to apply knowledge of the principles and content of institutions of public international law, as well as private international law. SK16. Ability to logical, critical and systematic analysis of documents, understanding their legal nature and meaning. Program learning outcomes (PR): PR3. Carry out collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources. PR17. Apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, identify legally significant facts and form sound legal conclusions. PR21. Know the mechanism of realization of human rights and freedoms. PR25. Know the principles and content of institutions of international law. Communication (COM): COM4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context. Autonomy and responsibility (AiV): AiV4 Ability to demonstrate an understanding of current legislation.
Required prior and related subjects: Criminal Law Part 1 Criminal Law Part 2 Protection of Human Rights in the Process of Criminal Prosecution
Summary of the subject: The academic discipline "Comparative Criminal Law" involves studying the fundamental provisions of criminal legislation in foreign countries to improve the existing criminal legislation of Ukraine and the practice of its application. It also includes acquiring relevant skills for legal activities abroad in foreign companies and permanent representations of Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of diagnosing learning success, forms of measuring the level of knowledge acquisition in the discipline are: - oral questioning practical (seminar) classes; - performance on the practical (seminar) classes (essay, report, discussion, etc.); - testing knowledge of the relevant topics of the lecture course; - written test (answers to the questions of the lecture course, the solution of practical problems (incidents), test tasks, etc.); - protection of individual written assignments; - homework written assignments, - form of final control: test Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes. Current control (100 points) By means of this control are: oral examination; carrying out of tests on VLE platform; writing essays, reports, participating in conferences, written work
Recommended books: 1. Житний О. О. Кримінальне право України в міжнарод-ному вимірі (порівняльно-правовий аналіз): монографія / О. О. Житний. – Харків: Одіссей, 2013. – 376 с. 2.Зінченко І. О. Співучасть у злочині за кримінальним правом України та Англії: порівняльно-правовий аспект / І. О. Зінченко // Вісн. Нац. ун-ту “Юрид. акад. України ім. Яро-слава Мудрого”. – Серія: Економ. теорія та право. – № 3 (14). –2013. – С. 205-216. 3.Навроцький В. О. Кримінальне законодавство зарубіж-них держав: питання Особливої частини: лекції / В. О. Навро-цький. – Львів: Вид. Львів. держ. ун-ту, 1999. – 56 с. 4. Старовойтова Ю. Г. Загальна частина кримінального права Англії та США: навч. посіб. – Київ: Атіка, 2012. – 104 с. 5.Острогляд О.В. Розуміння інституту необхідної оборони в окремих зарубіжних країнах / Острогляд О.В. // Концептуальні проблеми розвитку сучасної гуманітарної та прикладної науки: матеріали ІІ Всеукраїнського науково-практичного симпозіуму (м. Івано-Франківськ, 20-21 квітня 2018 року). - Івано-Франківськ: Редакційно-видавничий відділ Університету Короля Данила, 2018. С. - 238-242 6. Острогляд О.В. Суспільна небезпека як ознака злочину: міжнародний огляд / Острогляд О.В. // Актуальні проблеми кримінального права, кримінології та кримінально- виконавчого права: матер. Всеукр. наук.- практ. конф. (25 трав. 2018 р., м. Дніпро). Дніпро: Дніпроп. держ. ун-т внутр. справ, 2018. С. - 26-28