Criminal Law, Part 2

Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.00.O.024
Credits: 6.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Prof. Marysiuk Kostiantyn Associate Professor Iakymova Svitlana Associate Professor Soroka Svitlana
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: PR2. Analyze social processes in the context of the analyzed problem and demonstrate your own vision of ways to solve it. PR3. Carry out collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources. PR4. Formulate your own sound judgments based on an analysis of a known problem. PR5. Give a brief conclusion on certain factual circumstances (data) with sufficient justification. PR11. Free to use available information technologies and databases for professional activities. PR15. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the essence and content of basic legal institutions and norms of fundamental branches of law PR17. Apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, highlight legally significant facts and form sound legal conclusions. PR20. Know the categorical apparatus of legal science. PR23. Analyze and correctly apply the rules of substantive and procedural law. PR27. Use knowledge of the features of crime prevention and control. PR29. Analyze situational plots and solve legal problems. Communication (COM) COM4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context Autonomy and responsibility (A&V) A&V1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions; A&V 3. Ability to treat the work responsibly, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics; A&V 4. Ability to demonstrate understanding of current legislation.
Required prior and related subjects: Criminal law part 1 Criminal executive law The criminal process
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Criminal Law, Part 2" provides for the generalization of judicial practice in order to qualify criminal offenses, the study of mandatory objective and subjective features of certain components of criminal offenses, clarifying their content, the application of qualification rules in criminal law evaluation of actions. The concept, system and meaning of the Special Part of the criminal law of Ukraine. basics of criminal law qualification; criminal offenses against the foundations of national security of Ukraine; criminal offenses against the life and health of a person; criminal offenses against the will, honor and dignity of the person; criminal offenses against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person; criminal offenses against electoral, labor and other personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen; criminal offenses against property; criminal offenses in the sphere of economic activity; criminal offenses against the environment; criminal offenses against public safety; criminal offenses against production safety; criminal offenses against traffic safety and transport operation; criminal offenses against public order and morality; criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors and other crimes against public health; criminal offenses in the field of protection of state secrets, inviolability of state borders, securing conscription and mobilization; criminal offenses against the authority of public authorities, local governments and associations of citizens and crimes against journalists; criminal offenses in the field of official activity and professional activity related to the provision of public services; criminal offenses against justice.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of diagnosis include methods of monitoring student learning outcomes in the process of current and semester tests. Means of current control are: oral examination; written work (performance of a practical task, thematic testing, performance of control works); conducting exams. Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes. Current control: practical (seminar) classes - 20 points, teaching and research (individual) tasks, abstracts, reports, draft decisions, scientific publications, participation in business or simulation games, conferences, student competitions - 20 points. Semester (final) control (60 points) - exam: test tasks of different levels of complexity, incidental tasks (tasks), theoretical questions (normative, problem, discussion direction). Written (50 points) and oral (10 points) components
Recommended books: 1. Науково-практичний коментар Кримінального кодексу України; за заг. ред. О.М. Литвинова. К.: «Центр учбової літератури», 2016. 536 с. 2. Практика застосування Верховним Судом України положень Особливої частини Кримінального кодексу України [уклад. О. П. Горох]; за заг. ред. А. А. Музики. К.: «Центр учбової літератури», 2017. 915 с. 3.Науково-практичний коментар Кримінального кодексу України / за ред. М.І. Мельника, М.І. Хавронюка. 10-те вид., переробл. і допов. К.: ВД «Дакор», 2018. 1360 с. 4.Дудоров О.О., Хавронюк М.І. Відповідальність за домашнє насильство і насильство за ознакою статі (науково-практичний коментар новел Кримінального кодексу України) / за ред. М.І. Хавронюка. К.: Ваіте, 2019. 288 с. 5. Канцір В.С. Теорія та практика кримінального права: навч. посібник / В.С.Канцір, О.Г.Колб. К.Б.Марисюк; за ред.. д-ра юрид. наук К.Б.Марисюка. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. – 220с. 6. Сорока С. О., Шеремета А. С. Особливості кримінальної відповідальності та покарання за вчинення умисних вбивств у кримінальному праві Австралії // Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2021. – № 86. – С. 53–57.