Anti-corruption Activity in Ukraine

Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.02.E.103
Credits: 4.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Prof/ Kostyantyn Marysyuk
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Learning results: PR2. Analyze social processes in the context of the analyzed problem and demonstrate your own vision of ways to solve it. PR5. Give a brief conclusion on certain factual circumstances (data) with sufficient justification. PR15. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the nature and content of basic legal institutions and norms of fundamental branches of law. PR 16. Explain the nature and content of basic legal phenomena and processes. PR17. Apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, identify legally significant facts and form sound legal conclusions. PR19. Provide advice on possible ways to protect the rights and interests of clients in various legal situations. Communication (COM) 4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context. Autonomy and responsibility (A&R): 3. The ability to act responsibly to the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics; 4. Ability to demonstrate understanding of current legislation
Required prior and related subjects: Criminal law, part 1 Criminal law, part 2 Criminology Criminalistics
Summary of the subject: Corruption: concept, essence, signs. International standards for the prevention of corruption. Prevention of corruption in the public sphere. Prevention of corruption in the private sphere. Bodies and institutions for prevention and fight against corruption. National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. Anti-corruption court. Anti-corruption prosecutor's office. State Bureau of Investigation.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of diagnosing learning success, forms of measuring the level of knowledge acquisition in the discipline are: - oral questioning practical (seminar) classes; - performance on the practical (seminar) classes (essay, report, discussion, etc.); - testing knowledge of the relevant topics of the lecture course; - written test (answers to the questions of the lecture course, the solution of practical problems (incidents), test tasks, etc.); - protection of individual written assignments; - homework written assignments, - form of final control: test Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes. Current control (100 points) By means of this control are: oral examination; carrying out of tests on VLE platform( 50 points); writing essays, reports, participating in conferences, written work (50 points )
Recommended books: Євтушенко Д., Удод А. Щодо доцільності функціонування Вищого антикорупційного суду. Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. 2020. №3. С. 380-383. Іванов А. Принципи діяльності Національного агентства з питань запобігання корупції. Підприємництво, господарство і право. 2019. №5. С. 142-146. Легін А. Деякі проблемні питання законодавчого та нормативно-правового забезпечення діяльності детективів Національного антикорупційного бюро України. Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної юриспруденції. 2018. №6. С. 141-144. Міжнародні стандарти у сфері запобігання та протидії корупції. / Під ред. д-ра юрид. наук, проф. К.Б. Марисюка. К. : Видавництво «Людмила», 2021. 110 с. Основи права Європейського Союзу. /За ред. М. В. Ковалів та Т. М. Тимчишиної. Львів. :ЛьвДУВС, 2020. 202 с.