Criminal law, Part 1

Major: Law
Code of subject: 6.081.00.O.018
Credits: 6.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Associate Professor Vladimir Kushpit
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program learning outcomes (PR). PR2. Analyze social processes in the context of the analyzed problem and demonstrate your own vision of ways to solve it. PR3. Carry out collection and integrated analysis of materials from various sources. PR4. Formulate your own sound judgments based on an analysis of a known problem. PR5. Give a brief conclusion on certain factual circumstances (data) with sufficient justification. PR11. Free to use available information technologies and databases for professional activities. PR15. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the nature and content of basic legal institutions and norms of fundamental branches of law. PR17. Apply the acquired knowledge in different legal situations, identify legally significant facts and form sound legal conclusions. PR20. Know the categorical apparatus of legal science. PR23. Analyze and correctly apply the rules of substantive and procedural law. PR27. Use knowledge of the features of crime prevention and control. PR29. Analyze situational plots and solve legal problems. Communication (COM). COM4. Explain the nature of certain events and processes with an understanding of the professional and social context. Autonomy and responsibility (AiV). AiV1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions AiV3. Ability to treat the work responsibly, make decisions independently, achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics AiV4. Ability to demonstrate understanding of current legislation.
Required prior and related subjects: Details: For a productive study of the discipline "Criminal Law" the student must first learn to master the disciplines "Organization of courts and law enforcement agencies". Co-requisites: "Criminal law, part 2", "Criminal proceedings" .
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Criminal Law, Part 1" involves the study of the concept, subject, methods, features, principles of criminal law, the study of mandatory objective and subjective features of crimes, clarifying their content, the application of circumstances that preclude crime acts, release from criminal liability, punishment, its purpose and effectiveness, system and types of punishment, sentencing, release from punishment and its serving, criminal record, other measures of criminal law, features of criminal liability and punishment of minors, and the main issues of the general criminal part rights of foreign countries.
Assessment methods and criteria: Diagnostic methods include current and final control. Current control of knowledge is an organic part of the whole educational process and serves as a means of identifying the degree of perception (assimilation) of educational material in the discipline "Criminal Law, Part 1". Independent and individual work of students involves a purposeful search for effective ways to study the discipline "Criminal Law, Part 1", a conscious attitude and consistency in the work, the ability to use existing literature and regulations, plan their own work. The final control of the level of students' knowledge is the examination Current control (40 points). Means of current control are: oral examination, performance of test tasks in the ANS (33 points), writing essays; reports, participation in conferences, control work (7 points); Exam- (60 points) The tasks according to the specifics include: - test tasks of different levels of difficulty - written component (50 points), - theoretical question of normative or problematic nature - oral component (10 points)
Recommended books: 1. Кримінальне право України: Загальна частина. Основні питання вчення про злочин : наук.-практ. посіб. / В. П. Ємельянов. Харків : Право, 2018. 142 с. 2. Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина: підручник/ за заг. ред. доктора юридичних наук, професора В. В. Сухоноса. Суми: Університетська книга, 2018, 420 с. 3. Кушпіт В.П. Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина: навч. Посібник / В.П. Кушпіт, І.І. Цилюрик, А.В. Кушпіт; за ред.. В.П. Кушпіта. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. 444 с. 4. Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина. Навчальний посібник у схемах. / В. В. Топчій, Г. В. Дідківська, Т. О. Мудряк ; Держ. фіскальна служба України, Ун-т ДФС України, Союз юристів України ГО «Всеукраїнська асоціація кримінального права». Вінниця «ТВОРИ», 2019. 344 с. 5. Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина : посіб. для підгот. до заліків та іспитів / В. І. Тютюгін, О. Д. Комаров, М. А. Рубащенко ; відп. ред. В. І. Тютюгін. 3-тє вид., перероб. і допов. Харків : Право, 2019. 224 с. 6. Кримінальне право України: Загальна частина Підручник, шосте видання, перероблене і доповнене За редакцією професорів В.Я. Тація, В.І. Тютюгіна, В.І. Борисова. К.: Право, 2020. 584 с.